Welcome to Alice Masek Papercutting Art

Prayerful Papercuttings by Alice Helen Masek


Hi, my name is Alice Helen (Frahm) Masek. I started my ministry of large scale group papercuttings in 1996. In 1985 I had seen large papercut panels of the Six days of Creation by Oakland artist Nancy Chinn on display at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, and thought “I’d like to try that some time.” 

So in 1993 at Broadmoor Community Church in San Leandro, I worked in a group to draw and cut a triptych of the Nativity scene and groups saw my works in that church and requested workshops to learn to do it in their own churches.

As I graduated with a Masters degree in Spirituality from Pacific School of Religion in 1995, God began opening doors for my use of large scale papercutting art in many settings. In one year, I had 25 events to plan for and enact. My Prayerful Papercutting ministry had begun.

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We love sharing our experiences and showing them to the world.

Black Elk

First Nativity Triptych

Green Man

Communitas Christi

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